Sunday, June 5, 2011

found a place to live !

 well...for someone who's procrastinated on blogging...this is now my 3rd blog post today. I guess I have to get it out.  While S and I sat here, wondering what would happen next, picturing D driving around with his car packed with his clothes, ...the phone rang.  It was a woman in FLA., saying that she'd just spoken with D, and had a space for him in her recovery home not far from where he'd just been kicked out of. She said that she already knew much he was active in NA around there...that he'd come to her 15 yr. anniversary recently. She told me what a great kid he was, such a really nice guy..and that's when I started to cry.  She told me..."he really really wants recovery, I know that",...more crying on my part.  Apparently, a friend of D's lives in her house (she's the house manager) and said that D had just called him, asking if he knew if there was any space at their house, that he was sobbing on the phone. Well, praise God, she had space and he was going to stay there tonight,...and hopefully, from now forward.    D was not with her at the moment,..he'd gone to a meeting with the other friend.    For the moment, I feel some relief.    I don't know why he (or any of our kids) had to have this f'ing curse of's such a demon. 
    Hopefully, he'll make his 7 a.m. flight, and we'll see him tomorrow afternoon.  This time, I'm locking my purse in the trunk of my car and putting my keys under my pillow.    This is all for one's certainly more than enough. 


  1. Thank goodness! He is still trying and not giving up...he could have gone to many other places yet he choose to go to another sober living. I can't WAIT until my son starts behaving that way. Good for him and thank goodness for you. I am sure you will sleep much better tonight.

  2. Thank you Tori....thank you. You know these comments mean so's just such a support, even if someone was negative in their comment,'s feedback for all that's going on in my brain.

  3. I can only imagine how you must of felt to get that phone call - Great news!! He really is fighting hard - that says something!! I hope he continues and stay's strong!! He can do one said it would be easy. Right?! I hope all goes well in court. I'll be thinking of you all and hoping for the best!

  4. So Glad I kept reading! Did he make the flight? Keeping positive thoughts for you!

  5. My prayers are with you. I don't have to imagine how you are feeling. I've been there. He is doing the right thing. He has the tools. He will be back on track quickly this time. {{hugs}}

  6. thanks to all...yes, he did make both flights...and is here with us now,...court tomorrow

  7. My son made the rounds of several sober living facilities in Florida before he committed to recovery. I think it is pretty normal. Each one is a learning experience and a step toward sobriety. Hopefully D is on his way.

    You would be surprised at the circle of friends these kids make on the sober living facility circuit. They have lots of resources, as you've found out.

    Believe me when I tell you that no matter what you've done or tested for, you can always get into a sober-living facility. They are in the business to make money and if there is a bed and you can pay -- you can stay.

    I don't say this to belittle them. Though some are much better than others.

    I consider them temporary shelters on the road to recovery.

    God Bless, I hope all goes well in court.

  8. thanks yaya,....and it does sound like this one may be better in some ways...not blaming the other one for anything though....they really tried hard to help him, very much so.

  9. What I get from this is that he wants it, he keeps moving forward looking for recovery. That is the most important thing of all. Two steps forward and one step back is still progress. Thinking of you.
